Gage Academy of Art, Seattle, WA, 2009

University of Alaska, Anchorage, Dept. of Art, 1999-2000

Viña del Mar School of Fine Arts, Chile, 1996-1998

Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA, BA 1977-1981


Permanent Collections

Allen Memorial Art Museum at Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH

Museum of the North, Fairbanks, AK

Alaska Contemporary Art Bank, Anchorage, AK

Alutiiq Museum and Archaeological Repository, Kodiak AK

Pratt Museum, Homer, AK

Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center, Anchorage, AK

Alaska State Museum, Juneau, AK

Boney Court House, Anchorage, AK

Denali National Park and Preserve, Denali, AK

Credit Union 1, Nome, AK

Tanana Valley Clinic, Fairbanks, AK

KANA-Wellness Center, Kodiak, AK

Princess Cruises/HA Group

Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Anchorage, AK

Alaska Native Medical Center, Anchorage, AK



2023 Bennett Prize Finalist

2020 Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters & Sculptors Grant Recipient

2020 Rasmuson Foundation Artist Fellowship

2020 Cook Inlet Regional Inc., CIRI, Artist Grant

2018 Native Arts and Cultures Foundation National Artist Fellowship

2018 Atwood Foundation Artist Grant

2016 Rasmuson Foundation Artist Fellowship

2015-Santa Fe Arts Institute/Institute of American Indian Arts Fellowship

2015 NOAA-National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-Travel grant to participate in the Arctic Science Summit/Arts in Fairbanks, AK

2015 The Atwood Foundation Artist Grant

2014 Rarified Light Juried Photography Show-Honorable Mention Award and Anchorage Museum acquisition

2014 Alaska State Council on the Arts Grant-Funding attendance to the Creative Capital Professional Development Workshop.

2014 Alaska State Council on the Arts, Career Development Grant

2013 Rasmuson Foundation Individual Artist Award, Project Grant

2009 Koniag Native Education Foundation, Vocational Development Grant-Art

2009 Alaska State Council on the Arts, Career Development Grant

2006 Juror’s Choice, Best of Show, Art for Alaska Parks Juried Competition

2001 Koniag Native Education Foundation, Vocational Development Grant-Art


Selected Exhibits

2024 Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center, Salmon Culture, Invitational

2023 Sea Alaska Heritage, Alaska Native Women’s Art, Juneau, AK Invitational

2023 Muskegon Art Museum, Rising Voices 3, Bennett Prize Finalists Exhibition

2022 Pratt Museum, Homer, AK, Salmon Culture, Invitational

2022 International Gallery of Contemporary Art, 2-person Exhibition

2022 Kenai Arts Center, Sites Unseen, 2-person Exhibition

2021 Bunnell Street Art Center, Homer, AK. Solo Exhibition

2020 Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center, Extra Tough. Invitational

2020 Alaska Pacific University, Voices of Change, An Indigenous Art Ceremony. Invitational

2019 Bunnell Street Art Center, Homer, AK New Work, Solo Exhibition

2018 Alaska State Museum, Juneau-Ebb and Flow, Solo Exhibition

2017 International Gallery of Contemporary Art, Intercurrents, Alaska Treaty of  Cession  Invitational

2017 Bunnell Street Arts Center, All Things Sacred, Solo Exhibition

2017  Voices of Change-Treaty of Cession Russia/Alaska, Invitational, Sitka , Alaska

2016 Alaska Arctic Science Summit, University of Alaska Fairbanks, arts and science collaboration, invitational

2016 International Gallery of Contemporary Art, Anchorage, AK. Common Ground, 7 landscape painters group show

2016 Bunnell Street Arts Center, Homer, AK, Juneau, AK, Portland, Oregon, Washington, DC, Decolonizing Alaska invitational

2015 Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center, Living Alaska, Recent Acquisitions, AK Contemporary Collection

2015 Bunnell Street Arts Center, Homer Alaska, Open Space/Open Mind, Solo Exhibition

2015 Alaska Humanities Forum, Sites Unseen, two person show of paintings, Anchorage AK.

2014 Alaska Pacific University, Close at Hand, drawing invitational

2014 Alaska Pacific University, Denial, printmaking invitational.

2014 Valdez Museum, Valdez AK, Washington, Hawaii and Oregon, Communities, Disaster and Change,  invitational

2014 Alaska Native Arts Foundation, Anchorage, AK. Solo Exhibition

2013 Alaska Humanities Forum, Anchorage, AK. Invitational

2013 International Gallery of Contemporary Art. Invitational

2013 Artique Gallery, Anchorage, AK. Invitational

2013 Alaska Contemporary Art Bank, Recent Acquisitions

2013 Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center, Recent Acquisitions

2012 Wells Street Art Center, Fairbanks, AK. Solo Exhibition

2011 Nolan Center Wrangell Museum, Wrangell, AK. Solo Exhibition

2011 Artique Gallery, Anchorage, AK. Solo Exhibition

2010 Artique Gallery, Solo Exhibition

2009 Artique Gallery, Solo Exhibition

2009 Bunnell Art Center, Homer, AK. Solo Exhibition

2009 Wells Street Gallery, Fairbanks, AK. Solo Exhibition

2008 Artique Gallery, Solo Exhibition

2007 Artique Gallery, Featured Artist, Solo Exhibition

2006 Artique Gallery, Featured Artist, Solo Exhibition

2006 The Anchorage Museum of History and Art, Alaska Contemporary Artists

2006 Stephan’s Fine Art Gallery, Anchorage, AK. Art for State Parks Juried Show

2002 Decker/Morris Gallery, Solo Exhibition

2000 Alaska Pacific University, Solo Exhibition

1999 Alaska Pacific University, Solo Exhibition


Selected Exhibits-Photography

2017 Alaska Humanities Forum, Epicenter-5 Views of Ship Creek, Group Photography Show

2016 Rarified Light, Juried Photography Exhibit, International Gallery of Contemporary Art, Anchorage, AK

2015 International Gallery of Contemporary Art,  Anchorage, AK Invitational

2014 Rarified Light, Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center, Juried Photography Exhibit, Honorable Mention Award

2013 Rarified Light, International Gallery of Contemporary Art, Juried Photography Exhibit

2012 Rarified Light, Anchorage Museum, Juried Photography Exhibit

2012 Out North Gallery, Anchorage, AK. Solo Exhibit

2011 Artworks Gallery, Soldotna, AK. Solo Exhibit


Public Art

2020 Cook Inlet Housing Authority Mural, Healing Traditions

2019 Grow North Farm Mural, Anchorage Community Land Trust, Anchorage, AK

2018 Government Hill Commons Mural-14 x 100 ft. exterior mural, Common Ground, Anchorage, AK.

2017 Dumpster Pilot Project-Anchorage Downtown Partnership/Municipality of Anchorage

2016 Russian Mission, AK. Water is Life, Alaska Native Health Consortium, 8' x 16' canvas mural.

2015 Mt View Hispanic Culture Center, 20' x 40' exterior wall mural, Hummingbirds, Anchorage, AK

2014 Mat-Su Children and Adult Services, Matanuska Susitna, AK Large Format Painting

2014 Laugviik School, Kobuk, AK.  Collaborative Mural

2014 Kingikmiut School Library, Wales, AK. Collaborative Mural

2013 Stewart’s Photo Shop, Anchorage, AK. Mural

2011 Credit Union 1 Bank, Nome, AK. Oil painting

2001 Russian Jack Elementary School Library, AK. State 1% for Art, Mural

2001 Government Hill Elementary School, AK. State 1% for Art, Oil paintings


Private Collections

Steve Henrikson, Curator of Collections, Alaska State Museum, Juneau

Chie Sakakibara, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, Oberlin College, Ohio

Timothy Burgess, Judge U.S. District Court of Alaska

Charlotte Fox, Former Director of the Alaska State Council on the Arts

Ron Spatz, Head of the University of Alaska Anchorage Creative Writing Dept.

Christine Smith, Exhibits Curator, Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center

Barbara Smith, Russia/Alaska Scholar, Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center


Artist Residencies

2016 Denali Park/McKinley Chalet Artist Residency

2015 Santa Fe Arts Institute, Rasmuson Foundation Residency, Santa Fe, NM

2014 Mayer of Munich Architectural Glass Studio, Munich, Germany

2014 Denali National Park, Denali, AK.

2012 Stikine River National Park, Wrangell, AK.


Artist in Schools Residencies/Youth Art Activities

2019 Shishmaref, AK Collaborative Mural

2018 Shaktoolik, AK Collaborative Mural

2018 COL Spenard Art Camp, Anchorage, AK, Painting

2016 Old Harbor Elementary, Old Harbor, AK, Painting

2016 Main Elementary, Kodiak, AK, Collaborative Mural

2016 Karluk Village K-12, Kodiak Island, AK, Portrait Painting

2015 Kodiak Elementary, Kodiak, AK, Collaborative Mural

2015 Snow Shoe Elementary, Wasilla, AK, Collaborative Mural

2014 Infante Lyons Studio, Anchorage, AK. Spring Break Art Camp

2014 The Canvas Community Art Studio, Juneau, AK. Spring Break Art Camp

2014 Kobuk School, Kobuk, AK. Collaborative Mural

2014 Kingikmiut School,Wales, AK.  Alaska State Council on the Art, Artist in Schools-Mural, Painting

2013 Gambell School,  Gambell, AK. ASCA-AIS-Collaborative Mural

2012 Kingikmiut School, Wales, AK. ASCA-AIS-Collaborative Mural

2012 O'Malley Elementary, Anchorage, AK. ASCA-AIS, Collaborative Mural

2012 Willowaw Elementary, Anchorage, AK. ASCA-AIS Collaborative Mural

2011 Gambell School, Gambell, AK, ASCA-AIS.Collaborative Mural

2011 Aquarian Elementary, Anchorage, AK. ASCA-AIS. Collaborative Mural

2010 Selo Russian Old Believer School, Homer, AK,  ASCA-AIS. Portrait Painting

2010 Evergreen School, Wrangell, AK. Bird Painting

2009 Northway Village, Northway, AK. Portrait Painting

2004 Chugiak Spanish Immersion,  Chugiak, AK. Portraits/Collaborative Mural



print mediA

2023 American Art Collector, Bennett Prize 3.0, The 10 Finalists, February Edition

2023 First American Art Magazine, Salmon Culture, by Nadia Jackinsky-Sethi, PhD, winter edition

2022 Inuit Art Quarterly, Chonky Taking Up Space, by Francesca Hebert-Spence

2020 First American Art Magazine, Anya Montiel PHD, Curator Shares her Top Seven List, July edition.

2020 Upend , by Claire Meuschke, Noemi Press, cover art

2020 Origen, by Jennifer Raff, Hachette Book Group, cover art

2019 Birds on the Edge, International Gallery of Contemporary Art, cover art and exhibit catalog

2018 Igaruacirpet-Our Way of Making Designs, Book of Alutiiq Graphic Design.

2016 Alaska Creative, 10 Years of Rasmuson Foundation Individual Artist Grants

2016 Alaska Women Speak,  cover art

2016 Alaska Native Artist Resource Handbook,  CIRI Foundation, Alaska State Council on the Arts

2016 De-Colonizing Alaska, Asia Freeman, Bunnell Street Arts Center, exhibit catalog

2015 The Anchorage Press, Linda's Labor of Love , cover and featured story  

2014 Communities, Disaster and Change, Valdez Museum and Historical Archive, exhibit catalog

2014 Cirque Literary Journal of the Pacific Northwest Rim, Summer Solstice Issue

2013 Cirque Literary Journal of the Pacific Northwest Rim, Winter Solstice issue

2012 Alaska Home Magazine, featured artist  

2012 Cirque Literary Journal of the Pacific Northwest Rim, 2012 Spring Issue

2005 The Nonprofit Quarterly, nationally distributed magazine, cover art

2003 Art Matters, Anchorage Daily News arts publication, cover and featured artist

2002 Conception of Sphinx, Novel by Paul Brynner, cover art

2001 The Anchorage Press , The Surreal World of Linda Infante Lyons, cover and feature story

video media

2016 Denali National Park and Preserve, Art and Inspiration,  National Park Service Documentary

2015 SFAI 140, An Evening of Creativity and Conversation, Santa Fe Art Institute, Artist Talk Series, Vimeo

2015 Denali National Park and Preserve, Artist in Residence, Linda Infante Lyons, LiveStream Video Interview

2015 Alaska Teen Media Institute, Hummingbirds of Mt. View, Documentary, Vimeo

Radio/Television Media

2020 KNOR 106.1 FM, Our North Radio, Anchorage, AK. Art Matters, Interview with artist, Linda Infante Lyons

2016 KMXT 100.1 FM, Kodiak Alaska, Rasmuson Foundation Grant Funds Alutiiq Museum Painting Purchases -Interview with artist, Linda Infante Lyons

2015 KTVA Alaska Channel 11-AK Art: Travel enthusiast, painter shares her skills with students

2015 KSFR 101 FM Santa Fe Radio Cafe, NM. Sanjit Sethi Executive Director of the Santa Fe Art Institute, on SFAI 140, Kelli Clifton and Linda Infante Lyons Artists in Residence

2012 KNOM 96.1 FM, Nome, AK, Interview with Linda Infante Lyons, Artist in Residence at Wales, AK.


Film/Scenic Painting

2013 Set and Prop painter, VW Automotive, Rocket Joe and Piksik Productions, AK.

2013 Prop painter, Kashi Cereal commercial. Rocket Joe and Piksik Productions, AK.

2013 Set painter, ATT commercial, Rocket Joe and Piksik Productions, AK.

2012 Set painter, Audi Automotive commercial, Rocket Joe and Piksik Productions, AK.

2011 Set painter for the movie, “Big Miracle,” Universal Studios, CA


Lectures/Speaking Engagements/Artist Panels

2020 Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center, Artist Spotlight, Artist Talk.

2020 Oberlin College, Ohio, Guest Lecturer

2019 Kaufman Foundation, 1 Million Cups, Lecture Series, Anchorage Museum, Alaska

2019 Alaska Pacific University, Leah J Anderson Speaker Series-Alaska Native Artist Panel

2019 Alaska Watercolor Society, Guest Speaker

2019 Alaska Veterans Association, Keynote Speaker for the Hispanic Heritage Month. Anchorage, AK

2018 Pacific Northwest College of Art-Native American Voices Series, Where Sky Meets the Earth, Portland, Oregon

2018 Alaska State Museum, 360 North Lecture Series, Artist Talk, Juneau, AK

2017 International Gallery of Contemporary Art, Intercurrents, Alaska Treaty of  Cession, Alaska Native Artist Panel, Anchorage, Alaska.

2015 Santa Fe Arts Institute, SFAI 140 , An Evening of Creativity and Conversation, Lecture Series. Santa Fe, New Mexico

2014 Alaska Native Federation, AFN Conference Alaska Native Artist Panel, Anchorage, AK


Professional Work Experience

2015 Art Instructor, University of Alaska, Continuing and Professional Development

2013-2015, Painting Instructor, Adult workshops, Kids Art Classes-The Canvas Community Art Center, Juneau, AK

2008-present,Teaching Artist, Alaska State Council on the Arts Artist in Schools Program

2012-present, Painting Instructor, Infante Lyons Studio, Anchorage, AK.

2011- Painting Instructor, Plein air painting workshop, Wrangell Mountains Center, McCarthy, AK.

2008-2018 Painting Instructor, Anchorage Museum of History and Art, Anchorage, AK.


Professional Associations

2023-present-Signature Member, National Association of Women Artists (NAWA)

2018- Board Member, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Alaska

2009-2017-Board Member, International Gallery of Contemporary Art, Anchorage, AK